
My work on technology looks at the implications of digital media use for our lives, particularly the way that we think and behave. These pieces draw together psychology research into how technology can affect our mental health and personalities. Much of it has been produced with Wistla founder Dr Richard Wolman. I deliver talks for schools on these issues, for students aged 8-18 as well as parents. Please contact me if you would like to book a talk.

More of my blogs can be seen on Medium.

Four digital disorders you might have and how to beat them

Using digital media excessively can damage our mental health and even change the way that we relate to other people. But it's hard to regulate our usage when many apps and social networking sites are specifically designed to hook us in and keep us online. Here's how to spot the signs that things have gone too far - and how to reverse the process.

Is internet addiction real?

Or just all the stuff that humans have been addicted to for centuries - only now we do it online?

What is your privacy worth?

Big Tech makes big profits from your selling your data. Here’s how to get back some power.

Why are we getting digital fatigue in lockdown?

Tech should be helping us cope with Covid-19. Instead, it’s sending our stress levels through the roof. Why?

Immunise yourself against digital loneliness

More human contact is digital since Covid-19 than ever before. But what is that making us miss?